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Dachshund in heat?

19 17:09:53

I am a new pet owner and have a 1 year old miniature dachshund. She has a swollen vagina and is spotting blood. Is that because she is in heat? Or should I be worried? She acts ok other then being a little sore there. She does not appear to be ill. Should I consult a vet? How often do they become in heat?

Usually that is a sign she is in heat and it can last up to 3 weeks.  That is another reason for spaying - you avoid the spotting and she is not uncomfortable.  It is also going to prevent some other potential disease as she ages.  They typically come into heat about every 6 months.  You should consider getting her spayed right after she comes out of heat and make sure she is not around any male dogs - accidents happen.