Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > my 12 year old daschund has blood in his urine

my 12 year old daschund has blood in his urine

19 17:08:35

my 12 year old daschund has had blood in his urine now for about 3 days, he seems to be dioriented, not eating or drinking much , his heart feels like it is gonna explode out of his chest and all he does is lay and breathe hard... does this mean he is gonna die? is there anything I can do to help him not be in so much pain? please help me figure out what he is going thru

Get him to your vet asap!  Do not let hom suffer needlessly when your vet can give some advice and perhaps some medications to help him.  It can be life threatening if he is not taken immediately to the vet.  Yor vet will know what can be done and can tell you what is wrong.  Waiting is unkind to your friend when he is suffering - I would call him in as an emergency and any vet should take you in asap.  I feel bad for you both and hope this will have a happy ending!