Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > dachshund peeing on my bed....

dachshund peeing on my bed....

19 17:10:25

I have an 8 month old dachshund.  She was doing pretty well with the training and this week she has peed on both my bed and my daughter's bed.  Any idea why she would do this?  Someone is home with her most of the time.  If she is at home by herself she is contained.

Hard to say.  I have had this problem and my dog was trying to tell me something.  Is it that she cannot hold it - is this at night?  Puppies have trouble going all night sometimes.  Can she get down from the bed?  Was she there by herself or did she try to tell someone by being restless or whine or something?  Dachshunds are stubborn and it may take awhile to housebreaking her.  Was she picked up to be put in a crate?  Make sure you have mattress protectors on the beds when you are trying to train a dog.  Accidents happen.  If I had more details maybe I could give you some ideas but it is hard to know from this information.