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Blood in vomit

19 17:10:00

My dachshund got into powdered doughnuts today.  She threw them back up about 6 hours later she ate her dinner.  4 hours after that she threw up her dinner and a bit of blood.  what could this be

Do not let her eat yet - if she is ill eating will only irritate her stomach.  Keep her on a liquid diet today if you can.  Or a bland diet of chicken and rice that you make for a couple of days.  If she continues to throw up, get her to the vet immediately!  You can also try the doggie Gatorade recipe my vet gave me when my dog was throwing up and had diarrhea.    Chicken bouillon, a bit of karo syrup, and some water, then let cool and she can drink that this morning and maybe try some bland diet this evening.  I am not a vet so if you she continues to vomit and has blood in it, get her to the emergency clinic.  You might call your vet tomorrow to tell them what happened and see if he/she has any recommendations but until then, keep her on liquids to keep her hydrated - vomiting causes dehydration and keep her quiet and off regular food until she is better or you can get her to the vet.