Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > UTI


19 17:10:35

I have a miniature daschund who is currently almost four months old.  Her urethra is a little swollen and red, is it too early for her to go into heat?  I thought she would be 8-9 months before this happened.  Could she have a urinary tract infection?  Thanks for your help.

Generally that is a little young to go into heat but certainly at five to six months old she could.  Is she licking a lot?  Any spots of blood? That could mean early heat.  Is there blood in her urine or is it darkish yellow in color?  Is there a slight discharge?  Those signs are not necessary with an UTI but can give you an indication.  I just took my dachshund to the vet and found he (boys get them too!) had a UTI - the only sign was licking a lot.  I suggest taking her to the vet - they can take a urine sample and check - UTIs are no fun!