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Wired haired dachunds peeing in my bed

19 17:09:52

Hi Cindy,

I recently adopted an 1 year old wired hair female dachshund. She has extreme behavioral issues and we just started dog training this week. A few days ago, i stopped her from sleeping in my bed at night but since she has been house trained, I allow her to sleep on the couch, etc. She is only in her crate when she is being punished. Today, I believe just before taking her out, I saw she peed on my bed, also on my bed were three of my shoes, which she likes to chew. Nevertheless, I proceeded to punish her using her training collar and some hard hits to the behind with her nose on the bed and the comforter. I know this is not a way to punish her but I was really upset. She is now in her crate, and I plan to keep her there for a while. I am guessing that her act was an aggressive move to tell me she is the boss but I could be wrong. Please advise.

If the collar is a true training collar it is scary to me and I will not use one ever.  They are not really very nice on the dog and were particularly designed for large strong dogs.  I would not think it was an act of aggression at all - dogs have other ways to do that and peeing is not typically one of them.  There are several things to consider since she has issues.  Is she upset because she cannot sleep in the bed and does not understand why that has changed?  One of mine apparently got mad at me and came over while I was sitting on my bed and peed on my back.  He had never done that and has never done it since.  But I sure yelled ast him and he does not like my yelling at him.  My dogs know when I am mad because I yell, tell them phooey, bad dog, and stomp my foot.  They slink away or try to be humble after that.  I do not hit them but then my dogs are all rescues and have emotional issues to deal with.  Adopting a dog often comes with baggae and you will need to be patient with yours.  When she does something bad, show her (like you did), take her off the bed, yell, stomp your foot (it helps get out the aggression!) and if she comes over to you ignore her.  Is she peeing often?  Keep an eye out on that to be sure she does not have a UTI.  If she is housetrained then it is more likely she is letting you know she is upset.  Dachshunds are big bed dogs and love to sleep in bed with their owner so she may be upset about that plus she can easily be upset by a change in routine.  Putting her in the crate is not a bad thing as long as you do not leave her in it for a long time.  I hope that helps and good luck!