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17 year old dachshund death

19 17:10:43

My 17 year old female dachshund passed away unexpectedly last week apparently from grand mal seizures.Noone was home with her at the time of the occurrence.My question is we had noticed some severe behavioral changes in the previous days preceding her death.The vet stated she did have some type of neurological degeneration and prescribed anapryl.
She also had some sores on her side which were not healing.
The vet said not to worry about those.My concern is now that those were tumors and that her seizures were caused by
a tumor causing undue pressure to her brain.Maybe you have some input or experience related to this type situation.
When we found her she was unconcious and near death.There was no time to do anything.If you could provide any insight it will be appreciated.

I cannot give medical advice but I do know we had a foster with a brain tumor whose personality changed.  Losing a doxie friend is never easy, but you did take her to your vet and you did try to find out what was wrong.  For that alone, you should feel you tried as we see so many dogs come into rescue where their owners just do not care.  17 is very old for a dachshund as you know.  I have 2 dogs that have seizures but they are epileptics.  Seizures are not pleasant for the dog or the owner.  I would suggest going to this website and asking your question:

Much sympathy comes your way.