Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Dachshunds > Chewing


19 17:08:34

Hello. My roommate has a Dachshund that's about a year and a half old. She's had him since about 9 weeks. She had him house broken when I moved in, not much else. Right after I moved in, he took to urinating and making other messes on the floor. That was November, and we're just now breaking him of that habit (though, I'm worried it won't take).

The next problem is chewing. She puts down chew toys and other toys for him, but he has taken to chewing (again since I've moved in) my shoes, my DVD cases, and anything else that is on the floor or that he can knock off onto the floor. She said this is recent, but it really was on going. Her solution is to "not put anything within reach" of him, and tells me that it's unfair to tell him "No" that he can't chew this, can only chew that. But, he being sneaky, will go into my room, and take the shoes or what have you and then run with them. He also tends to "Swipe" things he can find and hide them for later destruction. She will not discipline him because she's not home when it happens and will not swat the dog. In fact, she tends to just sigh his name when he's done something wrong and ask him why he would do what he did.

I'm looking for a way that will keep the dog from chewing things that don't belong to him... my shoes, her shoes, tote bags, my purse...and reinforce that he CAN chew on HIS toys. She will not let me discipline the dog physically, and correct his behavior. A way that would be a compromise for us both, and would not force me to keep my bedroom door closed and my shoes in hiding.

At this point, since he keeps chewing, you do need to keep your door closed so he cannot get after your stuff.  Dogs are funny about things and if he has started since you moved in, he may be showing some unhappiness or he could just have decided to be a little trouble maker.  It depends on how long she was without a roommate and other factors.  Hitting him will not do any good since the destruction and behavior have already happened when you find stuff gone and/or chewed.  Does he have chew bones to keep him occupied?  Toys will not be enough for him it sounds like.    He needs dog biscuits - try a kong so he has to get it or a treat out of there - some chew bones, etc.  Also his toys should not look like shoes or things he chew - people stuff.  Chewing is sometimes a sign of boredom especially if he is an only dog, but dachshunds are known to be chewers.  I have a chewer and he is finally getting better at the chewing stuff but he still has to be watched.  I put him in his crate and usually hate crating dogs, but this one is big and comfy and has some great chews in it so sometimes he does not want to come out!  Positive reinforcement will help, not hitting.  Hope this helps.  If all else fails, he can go to school too.