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dachshund in heat

19 17:09:49

When will it end this is the third week and I'm going crazy. i have been keeping her in a cage at night and she is not used to it so she thinks we hate her and that has been causing her to piddle every time we even look at her. i feel so bad, how will i know when this will end and what do i do about the piddling???

It can take about 3 weeks - this is why spaying is such a good idea!  She does not understand why she is made to stay in a crate so her anxiety comes in the form of piddling.  I feel bad for her too - again, a reason for females to be spayed - it is not what she deserves (a crate) and she has done nothing wrong to be caged so she is confused and upset.  The piddling should resolve itself when she is finally allowed to return to a normal routine but I have seen where things like this can have a psychological effect and she may not quit it entirely.  The worst thing is to make her feel worse by yelling, ignoring her, and keeping her caged.  If you are worried about her getting pregnant, then perhaps she can be confined to a room rather than a crate.  If you do not like spotting, then you can use doggie diapers or get her spayed as soon as she comes out of this so you will not have this problem again.  It is also healthier for her and helps the thousands of homeless dachshunds out there.  I am not sure why you are crating her but it is making you and her feel rotten.  She should be over it soon and if not, take her to the vet and have her checked.