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long or smooth coat

19 17:10:11

We are buying a puppy whose mother is long hair and dad is short hair. She is about 7 weeks old and appears mostly smooth but has some long hairs on the backs of her legs. The breeder says she is smooth which is what we want but I've read that the long hair dachshunds won't get their full coat until they are older. She does have some of her siblings that have noticeably longer hair than she does. Any help would be appreciated so we can kind of get an idea of what to expect with her coat. Thanks!

It is hard to tell since she is so young but crosses like this can have a thicker coat that is longer than a smooth.  Breeders will cross these coats and then breed to a smooth so that the pups end up with a a short thick coat.  It also depends on the genetic background if the parents and if they carry the smooth and/or long gene.  If the smooth dad carries the gene for long in his background, then you can get longs.  Again, it is hard to tell.  You may get long coat on the legs and some other areas.  Smooth is the dominant gene so if most of the pups are long, then I would think he does have long in his genes.  I am not sure if you will get some long hairs on the legs, but you are right about longs not getting a full coat until a little older.  Usually you can tell as the pups get older.  I hope that you enjoy and give lots of love to your new baby no matter the looks.  I also hope that she is not sold until she is after 8 weeks old.