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Blood in Urine - antibiotics not working

19 17:10:12

Hello, My 3year old female dachshund Bonnie, has been passing blood for the last 7 days. I took her to the vet and he did and internal exam, checked out a blood smear under a 'scope and gave her an injection of antibiotics and a further course of 'biotic for 6 days. She is no better infact today I think she is worse, more blood and she's having difficulty urinating now. Her tail is normally a perfect up-right aerial, but today it's wagging skew, off to the one side, she's licking alot in that area and it seems very tender to her if I touch in that area and her tummy. Before all of this happened, I took her to the vet for her annual check-up and 5-in-one boost, plus rabies boost, she also had her teeth cleaned under mild anaesethetic, and her anal gland were empted as well - she was spayed 2yrs ago, I living in South Africa but I treat my dogs for tics - so I don't think it is that - where should the vet go from here because clearly the antibiotic are not working and I'm becoming very worried - any clues Cindy? much appreciated - Joy

First, let me say that dachshunds should not get the Lepto that I believe might be in the 5 in one booster.  It has been known to have dangerous effects on the breed.  It does not sound good, but she might not be on the correct antibiotic as sometimes one will work and another one does not.  I understand your worry but I would take her back to the vet ASAP or to another one if you think it would help.  He may try another type of antibiotic.  Has she been checked for internal bleeding, etc.?  I do not know if your vet can do x-rays or an ultrasound which would be best.  He may be able to send you to a facility that has ultrasounding.  I would not wait since she is getting worse.  Please let me know how it goes - I hope that she is okay and feeling better very soon.  At this point, a vet is your best bet and hopefully can recommend further treatment.  I have had two very ill dogs unltrasounded and it helped us to know what was and/or was not wrong.  Again, let me know how it goes and best wishes for you both!