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what to breed my mini dapple weenie to...

19 17:10:14

hi, i have a miniature dapple weenie dog and i am curious to know if it would be o.k to breed her. she is very small between 3 and 5 pounds. she was born on may 18, 2008 so she is only 5 months old. the person i got her from said she would not get much bigger and i am wondering if it is healthy to breed an animal so small. if she is able to breed , then what type of weenie dog should i breed her to? i was told not to breed her to another dapple. is this right?

If she is that small it is not a good idea to breed her.  I have known others who tried to breed such little ones and they lost all the pups and almost lost the mom.  Ask yourself why you want to breed her - it is not profitable to breed pups unless you are a breeder and there are a lot of homeless dachshunds out there who have resulted from people who just felt like breeding.  It is healthier for a small girl to be spayed and not put throught the trauma of a difficult birth.  If you got her to love and take care of and be a part of your family, then breeding her does not promote that.  I do not mean to sound negative, but I so often see the results of breeding and if this breeding is not to promote the breed, then please think twice.  You are right, never breed to a dapple.  You would need to get the parents dna tested to see if they carry the dapple genes.  So really breeding a dog so small is risky.  Hope that helps and again not trying to be negative - I love puppies too.