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Skin Problems on blue and tans

19 17:10:29

QUESTION: I know blue and tans are prone to alopecia and skin problems, but is that a certainty for every blue and tan across the board?  May some escape any problems?  I also heard the blue and tans life expectancy is about half of any of the other colors, is that true?

ANSWER: I have fostered several blue and tans from a breeder and she got out of breeding them because of the coat issues.  I have never ever seen a blue and tan without skin issues or without very thin hair and/or balding spots. I am not going to say it can never happen, but.....  As far as life expectancy, I have never heard of anything like that and would not expect their coat issues to cause that.  They are a dilute color and as such may have weaker genes, but I would not think it would shorten their life by half!  So I do not think so, but I have never owned a blue and tan.  Hope that helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you know of any special ways to take care of the skin and coat? Shampoos, food, etc. Mostly to prolong onset of problem or when it has happened?

I have been told there are some really good foods out there that will help - they are rather expensive but I feed expensive food to my doxies.  Mine get an all natural, no corn, food - which is hard to find without really looking.  Some have told me about a food called GoldSeal?  I am not sure of the exact name.  Don't bathe too often and make sure it is a mild shampoo such as oatmeal.  I placed all my blue fosters and their owners love them dearly - the thin coat/ bald spots, etc. does not matter to them.  A couple of them have sweaters for going out in the cold since their coat is so thin.  Also, be sure to keep them protected from fleas - any itching may cause hair loss and it is harder for them to grow it back!  Good luck!