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My Dachshound

19 17:10:26

Hi there. I am about to get a 3 year old dachshound that has been raised with 6 others and they have never been alone before.I am afried that taking her away from the others it will make her lonely and may depressed a little. I am able to take care of two but my question is will it change her attitude or personality if she goes from one xtreme to the other? It wont be a problem to raise 2 I just worry about her feeling lonley.

There are factors to consider.  If she was away from the others, would she be home a lot of the time if you work?  She would probably get lonely.  If you are home a lot, she might become clingy.  It is nice that you consider her.  I would think being alone would be depressing but one other should be fine.  I have 8 dachshunds of my own and I would be worried about one being lonely too.  She should be fine with one other.  I had four girls one time and they all died of old age but one and she was so depressed.  I adopted another doxie and she became a different dog - she was happy again, lively, etc.  Your's personality should not change except for having to get used to less dogs but I have found some dogs like being more the center of attention and are happier while others take a little adjustment.  Of course, anything is possible but if you can only take care of two, the best thing is do your best for two and give them lots of love and not try to keep more if you are unable to care for them properly.