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female cycle

19 15:32:49

Hi Lisa,  My female "LiLo" is 8 months old and I would like to know if she should be in heat by now? My male "Stitch" seems to find her really attractive but there are no real signs of her being in heat. I'm keeping them seperate because I heard that it is better to wait till the second heat? Is there anything you can tell me about her no signs?

Hi Michelle,

Females generaly go into heat every 6 months, though some are late bloomers. First you will see bleeding for about 5-7 days, then she will swell up tremdously. The bleeding may stop or slow to a pink discharge for about 3-4 days, then she will bleed again for another 5-7 days. It is during the3-4 days that she will want the attentions of Stitch. Until then it is okay to allow then together because though he may want to and try, whe will not allpw him to succeed in anything until she is ready.
Do not worry about her "no signs". I have one that is a year old and has still not gone into heat. It is all a matter of body maturity.