Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > 3 yr old BT change in eating habits; how about some SoJo home cooking? ;

3 yr old BT change in eating habits; how about some SoJo home cooking? ;

19 15:24:40

Our BT will be 3 this month. From the beginning, she has always gulped down her food immediately at each feeding.  But now, for the past couple of weeks, she does not immediately eat after we put out her food.  Sometimes, it takes her all day to finish the bowl now.  Is this just a normal part of getting older or should we be concerned?  (We have not changed her food, FYI).  Thank you.


Tootie - a dancing bos
________________ Boston Terrier feeding -"SoJo" ___________________

Hi - Did you try the SoJo dog food for your little Boston?
I am here if you need some recipes or any help?
JUST ask me:
Pet Nurse Marie


Hi Rhonda, YOUR little Boston may be wanting a change in variety.
How about adding SoJo to your program-
We love the GREEN bag of grain free SoJo cooking.  With SoJo you feed this 1 time per day or even 2...
You can feed your regular food in the am and some SoJo in the PM>
YOU can also just do 1/2 your food and mix in some SoJo.
Here is the ordering link for SoJo-
Sold all over the world ! - free shipping to the USA
We just add our LIGHLTY cooked meat to the SoJo mix...
( I don't do raw)
See here -  We get the green bag but they have 4 kinds-
Also, they have cat food, too!

Also, to aide in Health and Digestion - Many of my Boston clients take 1 NuVET wafer per day - all natural / holistic
YOUR kid will love the NuVET Plus wafer treats...
Call in for Quick shipping - NOT in any pet store; thru holistic vets and the manufacturer.
Tell them Pet Nurse Marie sent you.
use code 81098 and ask about the auto ship Discount

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers