Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Hair Loss- Lets try some supplements like NuVET and ....

Hair Loss- Lets try some supplements like NuVET and ....

19 15:25:03

I have an 11 year old boston terrier who is not neutered. 3 years ago he began to loose his hair. We took him to the vet where he was given a blood test. He was tested for Testosterone levels, Cushings Disease, Cancer, Thyroid levels, and mites. All came back normal. My vet said hair loss occurs in dogs sometimes for no reason. I accepted that for a while. I have since gone to another vet who conducted the same tests, no difference. A skin specialist was consulted and he recommends a testosterone level test from the Univ. of Tennesee and neutering. My vet also recommends he being neutered and skin samples taken. My dog is a wonderful pet who also has cataracts and a little arthritis. The thought is that if we remove the testicles, he may grow hair back. I would spend any amount on my dog if it harvested results. Could this simply be too much testosterone?? Please help.


One of Marie's clients
Hi Steve - I would not neuter an 11 year old doggie unless I had no choice at all... Wow!
We can try some supplements to help your boy with is Skin, coat and immune system...
It the only problem is the hair loss, I would not neuter the senior citizen..

Let me know if you want supplement recommendations.  I would be glad to work with you two boys...

Marie Peppers LPN MA
Ask the pet nurse.