Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Back Leg

Back Leg

19 15:25:56

I have a 6 month female Boston Terrier. When we go on walks, she will hold
up her back right leg most of the time, but she does sometimes walk on all
fours. She does not hold up her back leg when she runs however. Do you
have any idea what is causing her to do this? She doesn't seem to be in any
pain and I took her to a vet about 3 months ago to ask about this and they
didn't see anything wrong. Should I go with another vet? Also, she doesn't
seem to like it when the ground is wet.

Hi Nito.  This could be the beginning signs of a knee or hip problem.  I have seen cases where asprin therapy, and rest, cleared up the problem in a matter of weeks, but it would be best to contact your vet for a consultation.  

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to answer your questions, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  Sincerely, Penny D.