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Unexplained Hair Loss in Boston Terrier;

19 15:24:06

Hi There! My Boston Terrier Ozzy is almost 14 months old and has been losing hair for the past few months. When he was 4 months old we noticed redness around his face and he was put on Advantage Multi 20 for the treatment of demodex mites. Shortly after, his redness cleared up and hair around his face began to grow back, so we returned to the vet for a skin scrap and the results came up negative. After time, we noticed the redness return as well as the hair loss around his face, so we returned to the vet, thinking it may possibly be allergies that were causing his redness/hair loss. All in the while, he never scratched or chewed or seemed bothered by his condition. I requested allergy testing, but the vet wanted to do another skin scraping to assure that he didn't have mites, as they tend to come back within the first year of puppy's life. The skin scraping came up positive for demodex mites, so the vet put him back on treatment for an additional 7 months (He currently has 2 more months left to go). His mites seem to have gone away, as the symptoms he has are no longer there (redness around the mouth) and his hair has grown back in that area. Around Christmas time, we spent a couple weeks with family out of town, and thats when we started to notice his coat was thinning a lot. The thinning is most noticeable on his under belly from his chin all the way down to his back legs, his face has hair, but his head by his temples and his ears and thinning, and he is now thinning on the sides of his body. His back still seems to be thick and so is his neck area. He has been on Orijen food since we got him at 9 weeks old, which is a no-filler food 70% protein 30% fruits and veggies, and he shows no signs of environmental or food allergies, as he is not itchy/scratchy and has no skin irritations/redness, only hair loss. In fact, his coat is still beautiful and shiny and healthy looking, just thin and sparse. He does not show the signs of Cushings disease, he is still very very energetic and playful, his same old self, doesn't over eat, drinks a normal amount of water, and does not have a protruded belly. His hair loss is also evenly through out his black and white pigmentation, not just on one color. I have been to the vet many times, and they can never tell me what it is, and I have not only seen one, but a few different vets. One suggested that I use flax oil in his food, which has made is coat (what is left of it) shiny and smooth but has done nothing for the thinning of his hair. Another told me he could have canine pattern baldness and to use melatonin, but I have not noticed a difference. BUT he does suffer with separation anxiety and has since we got him. I have done numerous things to help with his anxiety, ignoring him when we leave and come home, walking/playing with him before we leave to make him tired, leaving the tv on, etc... and nothing seems to help. Could his hair loss be a result of his anxiety???? Perhaps being away from home for the 2 weeks over Christmas?? But that doesn't explain why his hair is still thinning... I am all out of ideas!!! He is such a well-rounded great dog except for his struggle with being alone, and it's heartbreaking watching him lose all of his fur!! I appreciate any opinions/suggestions you may have!! Thanks

Oh, Poor little Ozzy!  I have a few ideas to help.  He has a low or weak immune system and needs to get a good KICK to Boot his system.  Also, I have some help for the anxiety, too.

Anxiety in Boston:

Valerian Root works great for car rides/ trips or just general anxiety issues.

Here is the dosage for a Boston sized dog:

YOU should see no side effects with this dosage:

Valerian -  ( give 1 in the am , daily / time release- see link:

OR, you can give 1 (1 hr prior to a car ride ) ....REDUCES STRESS


Valerian, Time-Release [Nervous]. This herb has been used as a sleep aid for over 1,000 years. Its ability to help relax the central nervous system, promote feelings of calm, decrease levels of anxiety and stress, and enhance restful sleep are known to millions the world over. Valerian is not known to cause morning grogginess -  Many dogs take Valerian, too.

NEXT - ******************
How about some NuVET Wafers for this Boston....
NuVET helps to re-build a low immune system...
( the mites can do a NUMBER on the dog's body  systems.... )

Holistic and safe:  Fights the allergens that may be hitting your Boston.

ONE NuVET Vitamins Supplement per day - MOST of my clients / 1000s of them take NuVET Long Term.....
NuVET: ***
*** Keeps the VET AWAY-  Excellent for all the body systems !
Tell them Marie Peppers of Ask the Pet Nurse sent you...
use order code 81098 so that we can keep in touch ...
Call in at 1-800-474-7044  ( ask them for the 15% off with my order code)

Valerian : YOU can find "Nature's Sunshine" at many local health food stores or on-line...
NuVET is not sold in pet stores..
NuVET needs to be ordered from the phone number above.

Hope this helps!
Keep my private e-mail:

Marie Peppers LPN MA