Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Crate


19 15:25:19

QUESTION: I have a 3yr old, female,spayed boston and 2 days ago we acquired a 1yr, non-spayed female boston. We had them meet at a neutral location,all was good. We took the 1yr home and they played fine together all day. The problem arises at night. The 1yr has begun snapping at the 3yr for no reason. they both have their own beds on either sides of the room, but the 1yr (which is 15 lbs smaller than the other) tries to be aggresive. As well as getting up and doing this in the middle of the night. (1am the past 2 nights). What can I do to make this better? I'm sure getting the younger spayed will help, but that probably won't be able to happen for a while and my husband and I need to sleep through the night without worrying. Should we give the 1yr old back? Or is there something we can do to fix this situation?

ANSWER: OH Sara!  Two females - the baby wants to be the Alpha.... right?
YOU have no choice but to crate your new gal when you can't supervise.  Sorry, no other way around this one.....

I am sure, in time , she will learn her place in the little pack.
Also, having her spayed will help on her attitude a bit.

Good luck with your girls...

Marie Peppers LPN MA

visit my site

YOU can take this question over to our behavior experts.... we have a bunch of them under Dog Behavior..

Thanks for your question!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Where should we put the crate at night? I feel bad if we put her in the bedroom where she can see us and the other dog on the bed while she is stuck in a crate.

Place the crate in another room and put the radio on.  Cover the door of her crage with a light blanket or sheet.  Just like you would cover a bird at  night.... to quiet them.
Make sure she has a Kong or some kind of toy and little treat at crate time.

Don't worry....this is better than giving her away...right?

Good Luck
Marie Peppers

The BEST for your Boston...