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Big round bump on right side cheek

19 15:25:19


Approximately three day ago I noticed the right side of my dogs cheek was swollen. Then yesterday, it was worse and more of round bump. Now even today, it is larger.. about 2 inch diameter. He has been eating and drinking, with no change. It doesn't seem to hurt him but, I havent touched it either.

ANSWER: Hi Mike- Thanks for the photo.
Give this boy some Benadryl 25 mg now and 25 mg in the morning.  If the swelling doesn't go down after 2 Benadryls, then please call the vet for an appointment.

I am wondering if it is a spider bite and the swelling is just a reaction.  
Glad he doesn't seem to be having any problems...

Let me know how he is tomorrow.
BEST wishes to you!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Take a look at my site:

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your quick reply.  We gave bandit the med that you requested last night and this morning i checked on him a i noticed it must have had burst.  there was a little blood spots in front of the kennel but none in the kennel.  it is still slightly swollen and red and i also notice that he scratches it.  just wondering if you have any other suggestions?

Ok, clean it with some hydrogen peroxide and water mix... ( use some cotton balls to get into the area...)
You can try to apply a little bit of neosporin 1 x per day.
If he keeps scratching it you will need to see the VET for an antibiotic.  ( because he will infect the area)

YOU can buy some EMT gel at the pet store.  This is an invisible bandage that fills the area - It protect it and helps the area to heal.

BEST wishes!!!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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