Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Boston has upset stomach; immodium canine dosages; pepcid canine dosage;

Boston has upset stomach; immodium canine dosages; pepcid canine dosage;

19 15:24:46

My Boston and Frenchie has loose stools, they got in some BBQ drippings this past weekend.  I have fed the chicken and rice and given Pepcid per the vets suggestion.  Their stool is still loose is there anything else I could do to help them get over this.

Hello Jane - sure, continue with the chicken and rice for another day or two.  Give each kid some immodium - here are the dosages or call your local vet.
see here:
Canine dosge 1 mg per every -------

I know the Immodium will sure help!!!!

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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