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Potty training indoor

19 15:29:15

Hi from Costa Rica,

I had recently acquired a 2mo old puppy. I named her Mina, I brought her home on Monday Jun 25. So far I had read a couple of things about housebreaking and have been applying them. Such as getting her a specific place to "potty". Whenever she doesn't go where she's supposed to and I catch her I tell her "NO" and take her to the right spot. And when I don't catch her, I take her to the place scold the potty not her and then dab a bit of it on a piece of paper and take it to the right place and praise it, leave it there for a while and then remove it without her seeing. However I stil have not gotten her to poo and pee on one spot. She showed some progress on Tuesday she did everything on the same spot and I praised her for it. She even went looking for the spot and I was so proud!!! but it's been 2 steps backwards since :(

I know that I might be a little impatient but I just want to know if I'm doing things right.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Hello, this is my website on potty training it has worked three times with me without fail.

Also little puppies make mistakes often don't get frusterated or overly upset with Mina. She will take a few months to be fully house broke and not be making mistakes. Also I reccomend potty training your dog to the outdoors from the start indoor potty training can confuse the dog if you must swich to outdoor training confused my Boston Terrier abit...but as my website details I had to have her on papers when I wasnt home and outdoors when I was(for pottying) Hannah my Boston was potty trained very well at 4 months with no accidents by 6 months. Best of luck.