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12wk old Boston Pup ALWAYS soils crate

19 15:23:36

Hi! I brought a 9 wk old BT pup into my home 2 weeks ago and am having problems crate training her. Before getting her I did 3 months of research on dogs because I have never owned one before. The main question I have is why Gracie whines to get up at night about every hour and a half or she pees in her crate? Sometimes even if I get her that much she will have already went. I thought the rule was age in months plus 1 = number of hours she can go(4)? It does not seem to work with her. She has even pooped in the crate twice. I can't get up every hour and a half to let her out and remain sane so I leave her for a max of 3 hrs at a time.. sometimes she's peed, others she has not. Am I doing this correctly or teaching her to soil in her crate? By the way, when I got her she ended up having 2 parasites which was/is very unfortunate. The first round of meds got rid of one of them but the Giardia (sp?) remains, so we are on round 2. Could this be the explanation of not being able to hold it?
Lastly, I know most people seem to have an issue with crate training because they work all day and are not there, so there seems to be an abundance of info and "mock schedules" available, but I seem to be having more of an issue because I AM home all day. I feel like leaving her in her crate for a lot of the day is "mean" (for lack of a better word) when I am right there. Also, it breaks my heart being right there listening to her whine. If possible, could you also make a quick mock schedule for someone who is home most of the time so I know what is acceptable? Just so I know what is correct and have something to stick to regardless of feeling bad or not wanting to listen to her whine. I would feel so much better if I had some facts to stick to so I know I am doing this correctly. I know this was a long question, but I appreciate it very much! Thanks again!

Sure I can help you and your Baby Boston... Would love to!
Let's get her on some good quality food that has LOW fillers = less pooping.
Also, a supplement for her urinary system... This Cranberry supplement will help reduce or stop urinary infections.
Since she had the Giardia, her immune system is low and we can build it up with Supplements.
( supplement and herb info below)

Here is a schedule for her daily play and potty breaks.
This site is very good - LOTS of training tips

Food - herbs - supplements:
All the following will be very helpful in house-training your Boston.
PLUS, my suggestions will keep her healthy and keep the VET bills down.
You can keep her in a crate every time she doesn't go potty outside- see the site above for some great info on potty training.  ( they talk about returning to the crate for 15 minutes and then offer " outside " again to potty)

1.  Let's get her onto a Probiotic for 30 days.  ( MOST of my clients take the PEARLS)
Just 1 per day for the 30 days - HELPS to balance out her intestines and the bacteria...
YOU can order PEARLS here:

2.  NuVET Plus wafers - Give 1/2 per day long term -
This is great for pups-  Will re-build the weak immune system.  
I am sure the Parasites did a number on her digestive system and immunity.
Call in your first order - Tell them about your little Boston.
1-800-474-7044  ( use order code 81098 and ask for the 15% off on auto ships)
MOST pups start NuVET at 7 Weeks of age.
LET them know Pet Nurse Marie is working with you.
She will love NuVET wafers - JUST like a treat

3.  Healthy food / NO additives - No junk fillers - If you want smaller poops you need to feed a food that is holistic with healthy ingredients.
Try mixing her current food and this new foor for 10 days - Then go off the old food and just stay on this new food: LIFE'S Abundance - SEE here: Delivery to your door.
Also, always give healthy treats - NO milk bones --- total junk.

SEE here for Life's Abundance Dog food VIDEO:  Good info:

Ok, I have educated you a little on wholistic feeding and supplements.
Also, gave you that great link for potty training schedules...
HOPE all this is helpful.
I loveeeeee Bostons!  Send me some photos and updates:

Marie Peppers LPN MA