Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > My 3yrold Boston is HOPEFULLY prego... but

My 3yrold Boston is HOPEFULLY prego... but

19 15:25:52

I am reading alot on how Bostons have whelping probs and usually need to deliver by C-Section! She is the larger of the breed, 23 pounds and her mate the same, I could see the smaller of the breed having difficulties- is this as common in the larger???

Hi Melissa.  I have been breeding Boston Terriers for a number of years, and I have never had one that needed a C Section.

I believe the reason for my success is I follow certain rules when selecting which male and female to mate.  I never mate a male that is more than 5 lbs larger than the female. I never mate a female that weight less than 17 lbs.

Good Luck, and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.  Sincerely, Penny D.