Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > anxiety?


19 15:29:03


I love my Boston, Snickers, so much.  I love animals, and currently have a quite a few pets.  He is my only dog, and i hat e to leave him alone.  But, me being only 14, I have to go to school and sports, etc.  My parents both work, and we have to leave him home alone.  We tried to leave him in the house, but he went to the bathroom, even pooping, every time.  We have to leave him in the garage in the warmer months, and in the basement on a tarp in the colder months.  I hate leaving him alone, I think he goes to the bathroom to get attention.  Negative attention, but attention none the less.  I play with him and walk him everyday, and not just for 15 minutes.  To my mom's dismay, Snickers comes before homework haha.  Is there anyway we can cure him of constantly going to the bathroom when left alone?

ANSWER: Hello again Hardy I have spoken to you in the bird area, Bostons are not a dog to be left alone for hours and hours with human or canine company and if this was the case when you bought the puppy I would have said to choose a different breed because Bostons just can't be left for long periods they get depressed. What you Can do is Crate train Snickers.... so when you leave the house you can put him in a crate big enough for him to stretch out in and turn around in without bumping the side walls or hitting the roof. Its easy to crate train really easy but its best started as a puppy simply get a crate put a blanket in it a favorite toy and toss in a treat he'll go in if not place him in. close the door latch it but don't leave the room....wait 30-60 seconds and let him out tell him he's a good boy, do this for a few times over the first day for the next day give him a treat toy/latch the door step into another room for a few minutes then go back let him out and praise him don't go back if he is crying...this will teach him that crying = getting out and this isn't what your aiming for. Next time leave the house for a few minutes make the time longer and longer and soon he will be crate trained contented to sit and chew his favorite bone until you return from work. Feed/water the dog let him potty always Before going into his crate no food or water goes into the crate as this makes for accidents by letting him go potty first...give him several minutes to get it done before crating he will learn to stay dry/ dog Wants to potty in his crate and if hes old enough to hold it he will not go in his crate..then he can be left in the safety of the home while your gone...dogs like crates they are like dens wolves sleep in after there used to them they think there grate and I will often see my dogs wander off and go chew a toy in there crate or take a nap all on there own! How old is Snickers? If snickers is 7+ Months he can hold it for your school day just be sure to let him out as soon as you get home he won't be willing to wait much longer.

Best of luck and if you need any more info don't hesitate to ask.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, but the thing is, we've already crate trained him.  He was trained when he was a puppy, and we got him when he was about 6 months old.  The difference between us and his previous owners was that they had a second boston.  Snickers was alone here, and hated the crate.  He would even mess in the crate.  I called the vet, and they said exactly what you said.  Actually you said more, maybe you should have his job haha, you're definitely smart enough for it :).  Anyway, he can hold it, he just chooses not too.  I've come home to multiple piles of poo.  
Any advice is great.


Your very welcome, I have heard bostons to be hard to housebreak but mine was housebroke by 6-8 months. Keep it up with the crating would be your best bet...making sure the crate isn't over sized so he can go in one corner and not have to sleep on want a crate that makes sure if he goes he is standing in it this teaches the dog that well he should hold it otherwise he is standing in it! and dogs are generally clean animals and dislike such situation very much. That is about the only thing I can think of that would work for you and apparently it may not I am sorry I can't offer more options but I've never experienced such a problem.