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My Boston

19 15:29:02

Hi, this may sound like a stupid question, but I'll ask it anyway. I have a Boston Terrier, Sophie, and everything about her is Boston, a mirror of regular Boston, but for one thing. She has longer hair. Her hair is about 1 inch all over. But in every other respect, she is all Boston. It seems like if there were another breed mixed in, I would see characteristics of other breeds, but there are none. She is a brindle, and is beautifully marked, and is in EVERY way a Boston Terrier, except for her longer fur. Can you explain this to me?  Thanks so much,,,,,,, Susan

Hello it is very possible if she is not a papered/registered dog that she is 3/4 Boston terrier and 1/4 something else no pure Boston terrier has fur that doesn't sit flat and smooth pure Bostons coats are only about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long....but flat and smooth like that of a pitbull terrier.