Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > pregnant??


19 15:25:08

We mated our female Boston with our daughters Boston. we locked them in the bathroom right away but nothing happened. So we separated them and waited for the 10th and the 11th day. Locked them again, He always was licking her behind and she would let him. Before she would growl at him. We did the every other day thing. We never saw them locked. How can I tell se is pregnant? This happened about 5-6 wks ago. When she sits, her hips flare out. Her nipples are about the same size. But the weird thing is that her hind legs are getting thicker. She has thrown up a couple times. When I scratch her behind  she nibbles on me. To me it sounds like she is pregnant. It is just that why would she carry them in her legs and lower stomach. Where exactly does she carry them. I was thinking in the upper stomach but I might be wrong.You can only tell if she lies down oe sits. When she stands her tummy is flat well you can not really tell.


We love Pet Nurse Mari
Hi Melissa, You can take her to the vet for a blood test.  It would be a good idea to have a vet see her.  Many Bostons need to have a C-section to deliver the pups.
So, it would be good to make an be safe.

BEST wishes

Marie Peppers

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