Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > boston terrie thinks stuffed toy is her baby

boston terrie thinks stuffed toy is her baby

19 15:32:56

Recently my Boston female which 16 months old started carrying her stuffed toy everywhere trying to find a place to put it.She will lay with it and try to suckle it. If we sit down she is in our laps with it and when we go to bed she brings it with her.This has become a 24/7 ordeal.Should we let her have a litter when she comes in heat again?

Think before breeding whos going to take care of mother nad babys for the weeks theya re with you? for 6 to 8 weeks those puppies need a big money investment and alot of time to watch over. You will need to vaccinate and dewomr the puppies before they leave, the puppies need to be  adopted only into permanat homes you will need to work out a return contract for this to pervent them ever going to the pound....could you live with the fact trhat half the litter could be in the pound and put to sleep because the owners never really wanted them? I couldnt, don't breed her unless she is papered show quility and you cna find a stud of teh same otherwise spay her.