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house training and leash

19 15:32:44

    Chloe is a 7 month old BT.  She does real good with going to the door when she needs to go out.  But when she comes in she poops in the kitchen.  Now she didn't do that until about 4 weeks ago.  She ended up getting parvo and had to stay at the vets for a few days.  But she has done that ever since.  What can I do to stop her.
    Another thing is we are taking a trip in May.  Well Chloe has never been on a leash.  I tried but she wont go to the bathroom if she is on her leash.  How can I get her to go while she is on a leash?

Hello, you'll have to start puppy potty training over again since hse was used to goning where ever when she was at the vets it will take some training to get her to go outside again. Simpley take her out when you know she needs to go n her leash make it a long 6 foot leash a shorter leash is acward for teh dog as they normal hate to have there people see them going so a lnoger leash will allow some privacy...when she does go call her over pet and scratch her ears tell her shes a good girl and you can give her a small treat if need will be waitng for sometiem before she gets the habit of going on leash.