Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > brat dog

brat dog

19 15:25:05

We just purchased 2 brat dogs(boston rat terriers) What should we feed them?  And what manners should we expect.

Desiree - OH Boy! WELL, they will be a bunch of Fun and energy!!
I would feed them a good kibble like Innova for puppy or Wellness for puppy... ( I believe they are puppy age?)
The foods are found in most pet stores.
When you feed a quality food like the ones above you will see a healthy doggie with very few problems in life.  If you feed a brand that has loads of corn and wheat, you will get ear infections, yeast and many other health problems.

Glad you contacted me on feeding concerns.  Also, I would offer you some vitamins/supplement info....

*** a good supplement for them will be the NuVET plus in the powder or wafer form: here in the web site to learn more:

BEST of luck - send me a photo of your kids to my personal e-mail

Marie Peppers LPN MA