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My BT keeps biting and licks his paws

19 15:25:15

I've noticed sometimes at night my Boston Terrier will begin to bite and constantly lick his paws, however it is always one particular paw, i think his back left paw.  At one point he was stung by a bee approx 2 months ago on that paw but that's it.  I don't know whether he's reacting to something biting him or what. He's on flea and tick prevention medication and i constantly check him.  He also scratches the left side of his neck every morning when he wakes and at different times when his collar is on during the day as if his collar is irritating him.  I am constantly checking for fleas and ticks but never see anything. I recently ordered the NuVet and he's been on for almost 2 weeks now.


NuVET and Bostons
Hi - Give the NuVET plus a chance to work.  It will take 30 to 60 days for just about any nutritional supplement to kick in.  YOU need to build a good blood level.  Also, what are you feeding this kid?
Food - Brand and flavor?  Let me know.

We can also add some Salmon oil to this kid's diet.  How about 1 teaspoon of Pure salmon oil 2 x per day - mix into the food.
After 1 week, give just 1 teaspoon per day, every day.

Let me know how all is going in another 30 days.

BEST of luck and If want a referral to a new food, let me know.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

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