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buying a puppy.

19 15:32:47

If I buy a puppy from a ruputible breeder (who regesters the puppies, and health checks the breeders, and gives a one year health guarantee) can I expect the puppy to live through its life without any expensive health problems? also I live where the winters are -20 and summers are 30, the dog would be inside and not exercized in heat or cold outside but would this still be a problem?

Hello, You will expect some health issues regardless of breed and breeder, true buying from such a  breeder you will be almost complelty protected against a puppy with soft palate problems or stenic nares. As a dog gets older they can haev health issues which is why I say everydog is likely to have some problems. The tmeps are just fien these are the same temps I keep my boston and other dogs in...-30 or more in the winter and plus 30 or more in teh summer, her being a mainly indoor dog this doesnt bother her at all. I can reccomend forgetting a walk when tis that hot out and if its so cold you need scarfs/hats/dubble pants and dubble shirts even with a thick coat on the dog it will still be cold and tis best to avoid walks in these temps as well. Don't leave the dog out long when its very hot and be sure there is water avalible in a shaded area, when its very very cold its quick out and in to pee and come back beaucse there coat doenst offer any weather protection. Best of luck with your new puppy wherever you choose to get him or her.