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Bostons Scent

19 15:33:09

I know this sounds quite strange, but my husband and I recently bought a 9 week old Boston from a wonderful breeder, we love him so much, he is just great. The only problem we have with him is he smells bad, we have tried everything to combat this issue, once weekly baths, using puppy wipes in between bathing as well as spraying him occasionally with groomers spray. We have noticed he doesn't smell bad all the time but it seems that if he's scared or nervous he tends to stink, do Boston's have a scent they secrete?

Hi Zoe,

Sorry, my server has been down.

Sounds like you have a flatulating puppy. Bostons are well known for their gas. Check what you are feeding him. Known causes are often foods with yeast.
Try to limit the table scraps...tempting though it may be to give that extra "love". You'll thank yourselves for it later.