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breeding my bostons

19 15:32:46

I have a pair of Bostons . My male is 2 yrs. old and my female is 7 months old. She's already been in season once and I can't find information on when its safe to breed them , what to watch for , gestation length or  ANYTHING!!!
I've been a vet asst   yrs ago  and have helped w/ a few doggie home deliveries  but i need info please.   thankm you for any info or advise     christy

Hi Christy,

Your girl should go into heat again in about 5 months. She will bleed for about a week, then have no blood for about 3-4 days, then bleed again for another week. It is during this 3-4 days that you can breed her. Gestation is 92 days. Do a temperature check at the end of gestation time, if the temp is below 100 then she will have the pups within 12 hours. You have plenty of time. When it gets closer and if you have forgotten any of this, I will still be here.
Best wishes...Lisa