Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Leaky anus

Leaky anus

19 15:33:03

I know this sounds terrible but our 2 year old Boston often leaves a smelly stain wherever he sits.  Should we change his food?  Is there anything else to explain this very stinky discharge?  We can't let him sit with us on the furniture anymore, and he sleeps with us too.  Please help.

Hi Dee,

Well, I gotta tell you....and it ain't pleasant. Your boy needs his anal glands drained. A very simple process, but one even I don't do. But....if you take him to a groomer...they do this kind of goes with the grooming. Just ask first to make sure because some do not.
Do it soon because I know you miss his cuddling.
Best to you...Lisa