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Boston with soft lump on chest ;

19 15:24:29

We have an 8 yr. old Boston Terrier, Barkley, whom we love so much. We have just found a soft lump or cyst on his upper chest, between both shoulders, a little to the right side.  We are so worried.  About 6 to 8 weeks ago he went through a spell of seeming really tired and panting for no reason.  I took him to the vet for his checkup and shots.  They also cleaned his anal glands because I had noticed he seemed like something was irritating him on his bottom.  He has seemed fine until just last night I noticed he had another episode of panting for no reason.  It didn't seem to last long, only a few minutes, but seemed tired. I've also notice when he has the panting,he seems tight through his tummy.  Do you know what either of these could mean?
I hoping for at least some un-serious possibilities.

Boston Terrier lump on chest:  
Please let me know if the Vet takes a biopsy of the area?

It may just reduce in time... Let me know what you decide to do?
I am here if you need me:
Marie Peppers LPN MA
ask the Pet Nurse

Hi Donna - The vet can check the cyst with a needle biopsy.  They just take a little tissue from the area with a needle.  Many times the soft lumps are just fatty tissue or fluids.
Have a vet give him another check over and some basic blood work, too.

As for your boy's general health and anal glads:
1.  A grain free food is very helpful -
2.  NuVET is a wonderful supplement for all his body's systems ////
see here:
Boston Terrier and grain free foods plus Metamucil cookies for anal glads:

The fast breathing may also be related to allergies - environmental ( that time of year)!
see the NuVET above for respiratory and allergy relief.

BEST wishes to you!
Marie Peppers LPN MA