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size of tea cup boston terrier

19 15:29:09

My son just bought whit I believe is called a tea cup Boston Terrier. How big can we expect this dog to get.Thank you for your time

Hello theres no such thing as a Teacup boston terrier nor are there teacups in any other breed....overly tiny bostons are likely to be prone to health problems as the breed standard lists the dogs to weight 15-25 pounds much smaller then that would be the result of breeding overly small bostons together that perhaps had gentic problems to make them runts of there litters...I can say you probaly paid much more for this dog then you would have a simple Boston expecting health problems...teacup dogs often have a shorter lifespan due to horrid inbreeding and breeding runts to runts or genticly small dogs who do Not fit the breed standard. A true boston weighs 10-25 pounds...a "teacup" may weight only ten pounds or less.