Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Declawing


19 15:33:05

Hi it is me again, thank you for your help with my prior questions and now I have another. We have a relatively new female puppy (3 months old) and a 3 1/2 yr old neutered male. Recently my 11 year old asked why the female has 5 toes on her front paws and the male has 4.  It was at this point when I noticed that our female (Lucy) was not declawed. When I contacted the breeder, she simply dismissed it by saying that she decided not to do it and that it is neither necessary nor required. Although I admit that I had not noticed it at first, I thought it was standard practice. Is it something to be concerned about? Should it have been done and when? Should I consider having it done now? What are the disadvantages to her not being declawed?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Hi Michael,

It really doesn't make a difference to have the dewclaws removed or not. It just means an extra nail to keep trimmed. Most breeders have it done the day they are born. To do it now would cause more pain to her. You just need to make sure that one more than the others keeps trimmed. The other nails often rub themseves trim during walks on concrete. Obviously, this one does not touch the ground so you need to make sure it doesn't get long and curl into the skin.
Keep in mind this in no way reflects on the breeder as being good or bad. It is just a personal preference.

Lisa...still wishing luck