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Hair loss/ear infection

19 15:32:55

Our year and half old female has been experiencing hair loss almost since we got her.  Our vet said the hair behind her ears would grow in - just a puppy thing.  It hasn't and now the hair on her tummy and up her sides is coming out as well.  One of her ears is constantly red and her vet said she had an infection and we keep putting drops in but nothing helps.  She is at a doggie dermatologist at the moment being tested for allergies because he said she is too young for it to be thyriod - that's costing an additional $900 over the original $565 he charged.  We changed her diet to duck and potato about a month ago.

Hi Kathy... and potatoe? The vetsd idea? Because if she has allergies....a rice formula is the usual call.
I would bet on either allergies or stress. Stress if she is home alone a lot while you work. Consider leaving the tv on for her.
Allergies could be anything from your air freshener to what she sleeps on. Or even your perfume. You can spend thousands of dollars doing allergy tests.
What I...PERSONALY would get the tar based shampoo called is over the counter. This will help if it is a contact allergy...and not hurt at all if it isn't. Yes...vets can run bills up tremendously and it sucks when you find out nothing. Start out with the simplest things. I feed mine lamb and rice. Lambs are veggie eaters. Ducks eat anything including yeasty bread products which many dogs are allergic to..the yeast.
Best of luck to you...