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small liters

19 15:25:18

We desparately want offspring from our 10 year old male and 4year old female.  The last two liters she has only produced 1 pup each time. Is there anything we can do to raise the chances of a bigger litter? Her first litter was 4 pups.

Hello Helen - I understand your concern about a larger litter.  My little Maltese was just one out of her litter.  Mom and Dad always had at least three and this last time only the one.....

Here are some great supplements that have been proven to help with pregnancy and whelping.  All are natural and safe  / Human grade - you can take anything I refer to....
All are low cost, too.

The first is Red Raspberry -
Link here for Nature's Sunshine:  ( great results with pregnant doggies)  Give 2 per day....

The leaves of this popular fruit plant are widely used in herbology for their vitamin C and high tannin content.

Red Raspberry possesses astringent qualities, and the leaves have been used by women for centuries as a support to the reproductive system, especially during pregnancy. This herb helps support a relaxed uterus.

Many find that the astringent compounds in red raspberry leaves also help support the digestive system and colon. It is a natural non-toxic form of iron to keep red blood count levels normal.

NEXT - Super Omega ( For MOM and DAD ...)
Please give 1 per day to mom and dad...
Great for Reproductive health!  Get the male " in the mood"?  At least that is what the Breeders are saying for years...

mega-3's occur naturally in fish, flaxseed, canola oil, nuts and avocados and are well known for protecting the heart against the inflammation that can lead to blocked arteries and for aiding an irregular heartbeat.

The newer research shows these polyunsaturated fats may also be helpful in preventing complications of diabetes and in soothing inflamed joints.

Psychiatrists are now also taking a closer look at Omega-3s. Dubbed the "happy" fats, they are under investigation for treating depression, bipolar disease, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease and even the so-called baby blues, or postpartum depression.

Did you know that Eskimos have very low incidence of heart disease? Clinical studies suggest that diets rich in fish correlate to triglyceride and cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.

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Don't buy retail ...

One more thing that is good - A Probiotic for both of them:
Flora Force ( give 1 per day per dog)
Great for general health and the intestines...Avoids yeast.

There are many supplements that can help this mom and dad.  I would start with the ones above.  Excellent and all have a 30 Day money back guarantee.
The company is Quality and you need to buy products that are FRESH...
Old stuff at Walmart is not going to do it...

Any Questions?
Just Ask Marie

SEND me photos of the NEW litter???? I hope you get at least 3!!!!