Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > incessant barking

incessant barking

19 15:33:15

My dog barks incessently when soemone comes to the front door. It is so bad that my landlord had to call and ask me to fix this.
He is 11 years old and I must admit we have spoiled him.Also, since I am into confessions,he is a yorkshie not a bosston terrier.I am hoping they have similiar traits as ask experts does not have one for this breed.

Actually, Yorkies are very different from Boston Terriers. Yorkies are well known for their insessant barking, while Bostons rarely have that problem. However...I have dealt with other breeds that were barkers. One quick fix is when he is barking, give him a tablespoon of peanut butter...this will keep him licking his chops for some time. Just be carefull that he doesn't see it as a reward for barking.You can also start putting him in another room when someone comes over. You have a protective pup there and he is just trying to guard his domain. By putting him in another room when you have guests, will insure he will still do his job of guarding should someone try to come in on you. Due to his age, it may be difficult to curb the barking, and as I said, yorkies are well known for this trait. As there are no yorkie experts, the next closest to this type of behavior would be the poodle.
I am sorry I can't be of more help, but I hope I gave you something to go on.