Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Large Boston Terrier

Large Boston Terrier

19 15:32:53

Hi! We have a beloved 2 year old Bossie male named Rocky. My family and I knew nothing of the breed (or breeders) only that they were the size and type of pet we wanted.  We went to a local breeder recommended from a friend and hand picked him out of the litter, seen his parents, etc.
He was and is very healthy, but he weighs 48 lbs. and is not a bit overweight! He's 20" tall to the top of his shoulder and all his markings are how they should be. The only strange thing is the size. Our vet says he's fine and knows the breeders well, but someone told us that his size is due to bad breeding. We have his papers from the Continental Kennel Club where the litter was registered. We were approached to breed him, but we're not sure due to his size.  Is this normal or just a freak thing?  Two other pups from the litter are normal sized. We've had alot of comments about him during outings and such so I wanted an exper opinion. This has to be some kind of record! He's beautiful and so loving it really doesn't matter, we're just curious.
Look forward to your response and thanks for your time!

Deena  - Indianapolis  

this isnt normal at all, sounds like bad breeding indeed, it almost sounds like you have an old boston bull dog not a boston terrier whcih was part of the boston terreirs heritage,

check out the pictures it does really sound like one of these and not a boston, breeding him would likely result in more puppies of his size which I don't think is what is wanted thou if we could establish a larger boston it might gain popularity in show standings...I'm not sure. THou it really sounds like a freak thing never ment to ahppen unless the mother wa mated accidently by a bull dog or boston bull dog this is indeed a pureboston terrier!