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Puppies sick after nursing

19 15:33:11

We have 4 week oid Boston pups.  They just started getting ill after taking any of moms milk a little will do it. They shake and shake their heads and spit milk of a clear fluid out of their noses.  They are eating puppy food but this only happens after drinking from mom.  Have kept mom away from them today but am worried about pups and mom.  Should I bother the vet or wait til Monday?  If kept apart they are fine buy is it okay for mom to not nurse, could she have an infection?


It sounds like there is a problem with moms milk. 4 week olds should still be getting milk. You may have to supplement with a puppy formula. Meantime, I would suggest getting mom to a vet to make sure there is no infection, especially if her glands are swollen.
Best of luck...Lisa