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Simple breeding question

19 15:33:13

Oh great! thanks for your reply. I will wait until next srping in her second cycle to breed her... I really would like a would be intresting to say the lest. I don'th think shes plans to get her chihuahua neutered anytme soon so nothing to worry about there. Would there be a problem breeding the two together thou? as I staed the chihuahua is 3 pounds and not sure I mention but about 4 inches tall from shoulder down and full grown lol... extra tiny and so cute. Would you reccomend keeping her on puppy food? since by the time she turns one her heat cycle should be knocing down her door. Thanks again for your help.

Followup To

Question -
Hello again and thanks for answering my other questions in regards to breeding my female boston terrier.

I might not breed her but I was wondering one thing... would letting her have a litter cause a temperment change? would she not be as loving afterwards or be in anyway different temperment wise?

If I don't breed her I plan to get a 2-5 pound chihuahua or two from a wonderful breeder I have found, I may opt for that because I really want a itty bitty chihuahua like my sisters.

Answer -
Hi again Tara...
Yes there will be a change in her behavior if not temperament in that she will be more mature and even seem wiser. A lot of people breed their female just for this make her grow up. But she will still be your loving baby always!
P.S.,,,,I have seen a boston/chihuahua...they are so cute!

Hi Tara...
There should be no problem when you decide to breed her with the chihuahua.
No..I do not recommend puppy food beyond six matter what the vets say. Puppy foods have dairy products in them, which cause them to have diarrea a lot. I feed mine Iams. Remember this when buying dog foods. The cheaper the brand...the more waste from the dog because the body can't use all the fillers in it, so they eat more. A good brand food not only lasts longer but their body uses what it eats. I use canned foods as a treat only. Too much canned foods sit in their teeth and cause tooth decay.
Keep in touch...Lisa