Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Puppy Weight chart for Boston Terrier; boston terrier puppy;

Puppy Weight chart for Boston Terrier; boston terrier puppy;

19 15:23:37

QUESTION: What should be the average weight of an 8 week old male Boston pup?

ANSWER: Hi - I don't know if this will help, it's a puppy weight chart from a breeder.

There are 16 ounces in 1 pound  ( USA)

If the puppy was 5 ounces at birth, according to the chart he would be Almost 2 pounds at 8 weeks of age.

You need the birth weight to figure this out.

Mostly, your 8 week old pup should be close to 29-32 ounces at 8 weeks of age.

BEST wishes!
Happy Holidays

Make sure you pup is on a great Boston Terrier Supplement - Just 1/4 of a teaspoon per day mixed into his food - NuVET Plus -
SEE here:
Tell them Girls Marie sent you.
Use order code 81098 and ask about the 15% OFF Program

They have a wafer or powder.... Many Champion dogs take NuVET daily for Excellent Health and wellness.  It also protects the hips and joints from future injury.

Marie Peppers LPN MA

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What do you think for a male Boston at 6 weeks?   Thanks

Hi again,  It depends on the parents.  He can run from 1.75 pounds to 3.5 pounds at 6 weeks of age.
At 8 weeks he can be 2 pounds to 4.5 pounds.  
The Vet will let you know if this pup is doing well and growing correctly.
If you are buying the pup from a breeder they should provide a current certificate of health.
The Certificate will show a recent vet exam and findings.

HOPE this helps

Marie Peppers