Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dog Breeds > Boston Terriers > Breeding Boston Terrier to Chihuahua?

Breeding Boston Terrier to Chihuahua?

19 15:33:14

Hello, I emailed you a while back regarding having my female boston terrier studded, Since then she was digignosed with stenic nares and had surgery recinitly, she also has a slightly over long soft palate which may or may not need to be corrected... its not causing problems at this age my vet said we'll see how it goes if she needs more surgery if she starts gagging a lot during eating ect. She is eating well thou.

Anyway my question is my sister bought a male chihuahua a few months before i got my Boston terreir female, he is itty bitty and only 3 pounds. I am not breeding her to the boston terrier I found to stud her too because It would be risky to get the stenic nares and soft palate passed on to the puppies... and I wasnt looking forward to sending her out to teh stud and back. Anyway I would like to know if there would be any problems breeding my siters chihuahua to my Boston terrier when shes older? I wanted to keep a puppy from her thats why I wanted to breed her, i also wanted to get a chihuahua... the best of bost I guess. Would there be less likely hood of nastrol problmes or the puppies being really large and needing to be c-sectioned?

And lastly can we breed her on her first cycle? I'll be very perpared to handfed puppies if needed(both mioney and time wise) and since she is very likely to be spayed afterwards would it be ok? Please let me know what you think I look forward to your reply regardless of the answers.  

Dear Tara,

First, unfortunatly, her problems will likely be passed on regardless of what breed you breed her with. I once saw a litter where all the pups had palate problems.
Second, breeding her with a chihuahua WOULD be easier on her due to the size.
Third, not a good idea to breed on the first heat cycle because she is not physicaly or mentaly ready.
Finally, remember, bostons are a special breed in that they are demanding of their humans contact, I think so more than other breeds. They can literaly die of broken hearts. I have seen this. I hope that you put you love for her above your desire for her to be bred and allow her to mature fully before breeding. Your reward will be a healther mother and puppies as well as a well adjusted mother. Please keep in touch.