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boston terrier hair loss ; boston thyroid? ; boston terrier supplements;

19 15:24:34

my 2 year old female boston terrier is losing alot of hair around her neck and it seems to be thinning around the rest of her body. We have not changed her dog shampoo and she does not have fleras and is not scratching any where.

the only thing we have changed is we recently had to put hay down in the fence outside because of all of the rain we have been getting. The pen was so muddy the hay absorbed the wetness. I am wondering if maybe she is allergic to the hay. We have 2 other bostons that are not experiencing this. She also just had her first liter of pups 16 weeks ago, but I don't think that is related to what is going on. Anyone know anything about hair loss. One website said get her tested for parasites? Someone else said give benedryl for the allergic reaction. Help!!!

Boston Terrier Thyroid problems?;  Excessive shedding in Boston Terrier;
Boston Terrier hair loss ;  Boston terrier shedding ;  Boston Terrier Vitamins;

HOW is the hair loss ( fur loss) situation now?
Can I be of any help?  I am here if you need me:
Marie Peppers LPN MA

Hi - let me know what your vet says ?  Have them check the thyroid with some blood work ....Otherwise, it may be environmental and the NuVET and other supplements will help:
Keep me posted:
Marie Peppers

Hi Amy - Boston Terrier loosing hair or hair/fur thinning around the neck can mean many things.  Yes, the hay could be a problem for your girl.  Also, she just was a MOMMA and could be having some hormone problems ...
JUST too many things to list.  
If you take her to the vet they could do some blood work on her.

Here is some help if you think it is just Environmental Allergies: