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Boston terrier with runny feces??

19 15:24:51

I recently got a yorkie puppy that is now 4 months old today. We took her to the vet and she had parasites in her feces. The vet said if we didn't treat it now. She would have runny feces. Well, now our 6 year old boston terrier has runny feces. We have left over medicine from her. So should I just give him the same left over medicine that we gave her? I didnt know if he has it to or not. He just got runny feces today.

Hi Lindsay, Many time the Adult dog will not get worms that a pup can get.  YOU mentioned parasites?  Do you know what kind?
What medication is left over from the pup?  Don't you need another dosage in 2 weeks?

I would be glad to help but need a little bit more info..

Marie Peppers LPN MA