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19 15:32:48

I am breeding my boston and was wondering if you know by any chance how many I should expect the first time? Both bostons weigh roughly the same(20lbs). Is there anything I should be feeding expecting mom to fatten her up a bit before breeding? and when pups arrive should I have certain medical equipment here? Hopefully you can help I hear you are the Best. and I hope to hear from you soon. Thank You Lisa!!!!

Hi Mike,

A lot depends on if this is her first or second heat. If the first it will be a smaller number litter, around 2-4. If the second, since she is a 20 pounder gal, you could expect around 4-8. You don't need to feed her any extra right now and in fact don't go crazy with the extra food early in the pregnancy either because that will promote bigger pups and that could pose a problem during delivery. You can give her vitamins. You can feed her extra as her appitite increases by the end of the 2nd month.
Bostons delivering large pups often have to have cesearians because of the big square heads. In fact, the female should not really show much weight difference until the last month when the puppies really start to grow. The last 2 weeks she will not want to eat much because she will really feel the abdominal pressure. Note that the average pregnancy lasts 9 weeks from the day of breeding, give or take a day or two.
All you really need during delivery are scissors and clean soft towels. She will have already been "nesting" all aver the house trying to find a spot the past several weeks. Hopefully you've helped her find a spot out of the household traffic and private because they don't need to be overly disturbed for the first 2 weeks. As the time approaches, you can narrow it down to within 12 hours by her body temperature. If it drops below is time. You should start taking her rectal temperature twice a day in the last week. Having the first pup can take hours so don't panic. Her water may break long before the pup comes. However if the hours go beyond 4 it is best to call your vet. After the pup comes, just stand by and let her handle things. She should immediatly open the sac and lick the pup to stimulate breathing. If she does not, jump in and do it yourself. To stimulate breathing, dry the pup gently but vigerously with the towels. Bostons have blunt teeth and I have found it is best to just cut the cord yourself, about 2 inches from the pup. The moms tend to try to tear it and may tear the belly in the process. She will want to eat the afterbirth. It is good to allow her about 2 as it will help with the labor and stimulate milk flow. I wouldn't let her eat more than 2 because she will fill up and then not want to eat any food which she will really need now. Now is the time you can give her all those fattening things I know you've been wanting to. She will need lots of energy for the weeks to come.
I hope this has helped. If I left anything out please let me know. Best of luck to you and your Bostons.